##CategoryRants ---- 12-15-04 ---- ["Akili"] asks, "So, uh... what's a groomsman do?" ["Pearl"] says, "Stand next to the groom and look cute." ["Calin"] says, "The groomsmen stand next to me." ["Akili"] doesn't do cute. He can occasionally manage handsome, though. ;-) ["Calin"] chuckles. ["Pearl"] smiles. ["Sessa"] says, "I think you will like what we are gonna stuff you into." ["Pearl"] says, "Even better." ["Akili"] eyes ["Sessa"] warily. ["Sessa"] smiles. ["Akili"] imagines ["Russell"] being stuffed into a lion suit. That's wearing a tux. ["Cal"] chuckles. attachment:pattern.jpg ["Sessa"] says, "That is the pattern we are going from. ["Sessa"] says, "We have some slight changes for ["Calin"], but I think the groomsmen we will keep simple." ["Pearl"] wonders how ["Akili"] will get fitted. ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Ah. Princesuits." ["Sessa"] says, "He will have to tell us his measurements sometime." ["Akili"] asks, "Uh. And how do I get those?" ["Sessa"] says, "With a tape measure usually." ["Calin"] says, "You have somebody measure you." ["Calin"] measures ["Akili"]. "Let's see. Total length, about a half inch. Height, from the top of the A... 1/4 inch." ["Calin"] says, "k width... 1/8." ["Sessa"] giggles. ["Akili"] has been measured for a tux once, but that was quite a while ago. ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "We went to an actual shop for that." ["Sessa"] says, "We need your chest size, back length, and shoulder width mostly." ["Akili"] doesn't have that kind of measuring stuff at his house, but maybe he'll remember to ask for that when he's visiting his parents. ["Calin"] says, "You have some choice of exact jacket style, as you can see from the picture ["Sessa"] linked." ["Pearl"] says, "["Sessa"], maybe you can email ["Akili"] with exact directions. You know, shoulder bone to elbow, or whatever." ["Akili"] asks, "The groomsmen won't be clones?" ["Calin"] says, "If you have no opinion, we'll pick one for you." ["Calin"] says, "Nah." ["Akili"] chuckles. ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "But then they could attack, and you could have a video camera recording, and... anyway. Hm." ["Sessa"] says, "Neither will the bridesmaids. Too many different shapes." ["Akili"] asks, "Squares, circles, triangles?" ["Calin"] nods. "The groomsmen are all pretty much the same shape, but since the women aren't clones, we aren't either." ["Sessa"] says, "More like Circle, Stick, Hourglass." ["Calin"] laughs. ["Akili"] laughs, too. ["Akili"] looks over the shirts. "Hm." ["Akili"] will have to think about it. ["Calin"] says, "Feel free to make up some slight changes, too." ["Akili"] exclaims, "Tie-dye!" ["Calin"] says, "I don't think that's very slight." ["Sessa"] says, "Right, it's the seventies. I will just change my colors to rainbow." ["Calin"] says, "Mine is dark, almost black-green. I hadn't thought about what colors the groomsmen would wear, but something dark if not black." ["Calin"] says, "The women's dresses are all cut from the same cloth." ["Akili"] grins, and was joking, of course. "It just seemed too appropriate a comment." ["Sessa"] says, "A kind of deep green, but nothing close to black for the bridesmaids." ["Calin"] smiles. "Of course." ["Calin"] says, "I figured. I think ["Paw"] and I will choose the cloth for the groomsmen." ["Akili"] looks over the image again. "Maybe a saber attached to my hip... ;)" ["Calin"] says, "Save money by cutting them all from the same cloth, like we did with the women." ["Pearl"] goes to lunch. ["Calin"] smiles. ["Calin"] says, "Not for the wedding, but you can keep the jacket. So feel free to use it later." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Neat." ["Calin"] says, "Another benefit of having them made rather than renting." ["Paw"] thinks ["Akili"] needs a tie-dyed handkerchief. ["Calin"] chuckles. ["Sessa"] says, "No one gets a handkerchief, if you sneeze TOO DAMN BAD. :)" ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Well, you know... as much as I like the color combination, tie-dye can often send the wrong signals to people." ["Calin"] says, "Yeah, you'll note that there are no breast pockets on those jackets." ["Sessa"] nods. ["Akili"] duly notes it. ["Paw"] says, "Ah, right."