##CategoryRants ##CategoryComputers ---- Probably around 10/13/2003, as that's the date on the news article referenced. ---- ["Akili"] takes his lunch break. "There was another one, too." - http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99994262 ["Calin"] saw that on WikiPedia:CNN. ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Ah." ["Calin"] says, "That's pretty cool..." ["Akili"] asks, "...But?" ["Calin"] says, "I'm more interested in driving around a WikiPedia:Mech, or having WikiPedia:Bionic wings than I am in helping [wiki:WikiPedia:Quadruplegic quadruplegic]s." ["Calin"] grins. ["Akili"] chuckles. ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Hey, you could have four arms." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "All the better to WikiPedia:Boffer with." A burning calm falls over the hot grass. ["Calin"] says, "Heck yeah." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "For that matter, you could be your own computer joystick." ["Calin"] nods. ["Calin"] whoas. "Can you imagine having a mind controlled keyboard? How fast do you think you could type then?" ["Calin"] says, "You'd still have to think the letters, but it would go much faster I'd think." ["Akili"] ponders. "That... could be very difficult." ["Calin"] says, "Yeah... hard to learn." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "We'd have to determine what part of the brain contains the thoughts we're about to speak." ["Calin"] says, "Nope." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Or at least, what part to tap into." ["Calin"] says, "We don't want it to work like speech recognition." ["Akili"] asks, "Oh... you mean having a mental keyboard?" ["Calin"] says, "I would want it to work like a keyboard." ["Calin"] says, "Yeah." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Hmm." ["Calin"] says, "So you have the thing record your mental activity while typing..." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Slow learning curve, but I could imagine that you could get pretty darned fast." ["Calin"] nods. ["Calin"] says, "Back in high school, in my typing class... I really felt that my fingers were a hinderance to my speed." ["Calin"] says, "They just wouldn't move any faster." ["Akili"] grins. "Well, of course my fingers are limiting. No matter how fast I type, I can't type as fast as I can speak." ["Calin"] says, "Well yeah, but that's cause you don't speak all the letters." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "But I have discovered that switching completely to a speech-to-text solution requires a lot of mental adjustment." ["Calin"] says, "As this [wiki:WikiPedia:MUD muck] shows though, it's not too far a jump to think in letters and keystrokes." ["Akili"] nods. ["Calin"] says, "I type fluently, without having to concentrate on the individual letters." ["Calin"] says, "And if the key was struck as soon as I told my fingers to do it.. rather than waiting till my finger actually pressed down on the key.." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "I wonder if there's a limit to how many discrete signals can be picked up by one of those devices. Right now, it's fairly simple." ["Calin"] says, "Then I would have had three dots at the end of that sentence." ["Calin"] says, "If it can move an arm, it can move imaginary fingers on the keyboard." ["Calin"] says, "I would think." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "I'm not sure. Our fingers are capable of making very fine movements, and those are harder to pick up than, say, moving your arm." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Or so goes my impression. I may be way off." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Bigger nerves in major limbs, after all." ["Calin"] says, "Ah, you could be right." ["Calin"] says, "It would still be cool though." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Of course... we're pulling stuff from the brain, not a limb." ["Akili"] agrees. "It would be a very interesting experiment." ["Akili"] wonders if our brain would learn shortcuts. ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Like reflexes." ["Calin"] says, "Well, if you had full keyboard functionality..." "Can you imagine editing a document?" asks ["Calin"]. ["Calin"] says, "The cursor would fly around like mad, selecting, copying, cuting, pasting..." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "So you don't have to think about typing all the letters in the word - you just think about typing the word." ["Calin"] says, "Well you'd learn to do that." ["Calin"] says, "Right now I don't have to think about every letter I type." ["Akili"] ponders. ["Calin"] says, "I mean, I know I am thinking of all of them in there somewhere, but far below my normal thought." ["Akili"] nods. "I was just wondering about that. When you move your arm, are you really thinking about it?" ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Chances are, no. You're thinking of what you want to do, and your arm just moves." ["Calin"] says, "Nope. We've gotten really used to doing it, it comes naturally." The hot calm settles on the shrubs. ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Granted, having a 'keyboard' as a appendage would be a very complicated organ to have complete control over. Our hands only have five fingers." ["Akili"] ponders again. "So, here's a thought." ["Calin"] says, "Yup, but if you can control 9 appendages (8 fingers and one thumb), then you could have the keyboard work by combinations. Like a street fighter special move." ["Akili"] asks, "Would you have mentral control over a hand that has one 'finger' per key... or some sort of 'hand' that typed on a mental 'keyboard' which was interpreted into the key you are trying to hit?" ["Calin"] says, "I would think you'd have control over a set of virtual hands." ["Calin"] says, "That way, the system could learn by watching your brain as you actually type." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "True." ["Calin"] says, "And you wouldn't have to learn new typing skills." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Otherwise, I guess you're essentially adding 101 new limbs. :)" ["Calin"] says, "Just get used to creating the brain waves, without actually moving your fingers." ["Akili"] nods. ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "The Zen of Typing." ["Calin"] nods. ["Calin"] imagines learning to use VI with that keyboard. ["Calin"] says, "Man, now that is zen editing." ["Akili"] imagines using any kind of computer interface with a keyboard like that. ["Calin"] says, "Yup. You could play games, write papers, write code..." ["Akili"] grins. "After all, how many games use keyboards?" ["Calin"] says, "All of them." ["Calin"] says, "Pretty much." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Yup." ["Calin"] says, "Now, if you add in a mouse..." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Also, you could use more combinations than keyboards currently support." ["Calin"] says, "With a scroll wheel..." ["Pearl"] has connected. ["Calin"] says, "Zen of the computing." ["Calin"] says, "Good afternoon." ["Pearl"] waves. DainAltor says, "Hello ["Pearl"]." ["Akili"] hmms. "I woulder if you could use the concept of your eye for a pointer. Hi, ["Pearl"]." ["Calin"] says, "I was beginning to think it was just ["Akili"] and me today." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "After all, we look at where we want to see." ["Calin"] nods. ["Pearl"] says, "It is. I am home sick. I just popped on because I can't stay in bed all day and moan. :)" ["Calin"] says, "We're discussing this article, ["Pearl"]. http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99994262" ["Calin"] says, "Ah." ["Calin"] exclaims, "Well, welcome!" ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "And naturally, we've taken it in a whole new direction." ["Pearl"] says, "Thanks." ["Pearl"] looks. ["Calin"] chuckles. ["Akili"] chuckles. "We're glad for the company, in any case." ["Pearl"] laughs at the headline. "I wonder if your brain could get WikiPedia:Carpal_tunnel syndrome?" asks ["Calin"]. ["Pearl"] laughs. ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "No, but you could probably give yourself a headache." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Intense concentration can do that." ["Pearl"] wonders if the limb could catch a virus. ["Calin"] says, "After reading that article, we've been thinking about how cool it would be to have a mental keyboard and mouse." ["Pearl"] naturally thinks of this while having a cold. "How fast could you edit with such things?" asks ["Calin"]. ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "I wouldn't think so, ["Pearl"]." ["Pearl"] smiles. ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Not unless someone develops a programming language for our brain." ["Calin"] chuckles. ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Good freaking luck." ["Calin"] says, "It would be [wiki:WikiPedia:Microsoft MS], of course." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "!MindSoft." ["Calin"] says, "And it would let anyone who felt like it make us buy their product." ["Pearl"] says, "heh" - You Are Where We Want To Go Today ["Calin"] chuckles. ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Your checkbook will be assimilated." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Anyway." ["Calin"] says, "Yeah, anyway." ["Calin"] says, "We're not talking about any way to put things in your head." ["Calin"] says, "Only new ways to get things from your head to the computer." ["Calin"] says, "Or from your head to the real world." ["Akili"] ponders. ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Although, in a way, you are returning information." ["Calin"] says, "And for that matter, only the things you take action to put out." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Any limb has to have feedback." ["Calin"] says, "True." ["Calin"] says, "I imagine it would take a similar effort to moving a real limb though, so it's not like somebody could just connect and download your data from your head." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Play the guitar with a numb hand. :)" ["Calin"] says, "Ah, no thanks." ["Akili"] nods, and would agree. "Someone might be able to do unkind things like give you an electric shock, but reading data... it wouldn't work that way." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Heck, even I don't know all the things I know." ["Calin"] doesn't know all the things you know either. ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "I am glad to hear it." ["Akili"] grins. "Man. Now I want one of these mental keyboards to play with." The sweltering stillness settles across the hot shrubs. ["Calin"] too. ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Not that the idea of putting a probe in my head appeals to me." "How much more productive could we be?" asks ["Calin"]. ["Calin"] says, "Yeah..." ["Akili"] grins. "Productive in relation to whom?" ["Pearl"] says, "The monkey of course." ["Calin"] says, "More productive with the mental keyboard than we are with the physical one." ["Akili"] meant how much time we'd spend playing as opposed to getting work done. ;-) ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Here's another question: I wonder how fast you could repeatedly type a certain key." ["Pearl"] says, "I would guess it would depend on the connection rate and how clearly your brain 'typed' the letter." ["Calin"] says, "Oh, much faster than that." ["Calin"] says, "True." ["Calin"] says, "If it was too fast, it would probably be read as being held down." ["Pearl"] nods. ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Yeah... I suppose that would depend on the quality of the probe." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Beyond that, I suppose it'd be limited to nerve impulse velocity." ["Calin"] nods. ["Akili"] has no idea how fast we 'think'. ["Pearl"] giggles and can picture this as a Monkey Rant. ["Calin"] exclaims, "Hoo hoo heeeee!" ["Pearl"] giggles. ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Well, only because that's where the inital topic started. But I think it's an interesting rant, nonetheless." ["Pearl"] nods. "I always thought about [wiki:WikiPedia:Extra-sensory_perception ESP] and when does a thought get transfered. You know, as a vague thought or a deliberate thought sent out..." ["Pearl"] asks, "In this case, what would the computer be callibrated to pick up?" ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "It's not reading our thoughts." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "It'd be like having another pair of hands." ["Pearl"] says, "Oh right, unconscious." ["Pearl"] says, "Sorta" ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "I was talking about that with ["Calin"]. You don't think about moving your arm. Your arm just moves when you need it to. It's far too reflexive. However, we also have total control over it." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "But you don't think about it. You just do it." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "We only think about what we're going to do." ["Calin"] says, "Right. So in this case, it would be just like typing with real hands... but without the flesh and bone to slow things down." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Exactly." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "However you type, you'd be using the same method for this mental keyboard." ["Calin"] nods. ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "And you'd have to learn to do it the same way you learned to type." ["Akili"] huhs. "Actually, it might be harder." ["Calin"] says, "Right. No fingers to look at." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "We already have good control over our fingers and hands even before we try to type." ["Calin"] says, "According to the article with the monkeys though..." ["Calin"] says, "They started out moving their real arms." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "True." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "I wonder how the software made the distinction." ["Calin"] says, "Then eventually they noticed that the physical movement was not necessary to do the task." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "And they did say that their brains were changing, apparently to adapt to the new device." ["Calin"] nods. ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "I'll bet it's a lot like trying to learn to move a new muscle. Like lifting a single brow." ["Calin"] says, "Easier, I think." ["Calin"] says, "Because you have the familiar muscles to guide you." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "However, you have the same muscles to lift both of your brows." ["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "You *should* be able to single them out. But it's not that easy." A hot calm falls on the shrubs. ["Pearl"] says, "have a great afternoon guys. I'm off to catch my nose." ["Calin"] waves. ["Calin"] says, "Get well." ["Pearl"] says, "Thanks!" ["Pearl"] has disconnected. ["Akili"] goes to set up a printer.