Author: Calin

Language: [ Javascript]

Libraries: HTTPSocket (AJAX version), [ webtoolkit base64]

Platform: Modern web browsers

WebMuck is our latest and most successful attempt at a zero-install firewall-busting Muck client.

It's been a long road, and here's how we got here:

SimpleClient 1999(?) - 2000(?)

Author: Akili

Language: Visual_basic

Platform: Windows

The reason

The execution

The failure

Historical Notes

SplitClient 2000(?) - present

Author: Akili

Language: Visual_basic

Platform: Windows

The reason

The execution

The failure

Historical Notes

WebNet 2000(?)

Authors: Akili and Calin

Language: Visual_basic

Platform: Windows (Though any browser could access it)

The reason

The execution

The failure

Historical Notes

ProxyClient 2001(?) - 2002(?)

Author: Calin

Language: Visual_basic

Platform: Windows

The reason

The execution

The failure

Mini Client 2001

Author: Cal

Language: Java

Platform: A java-enabled web browser

The reason

The execution

The failure

Jmuck 2003(?) - 2005

Author: Calin

Language: Java

Platform: Any Java-enabled web browser

The reason

The execution

The failure

Jmuck2 2004 - 2005

Author: Calin

Language: Java

Platform: Any Sun-Java-enabled web browser

The reason

The execution

The failure

And finally...

WebMuck 9/2005 to Present

Author: Calin

Language: [ Javascript]

Libraries: HTTPSocket (AJAX version), [ webtoolkit base64]

Platform: Modern web browsers

The reason

The execution

No failure yet!

WebMuck (last edited 2015-03-17 18:10:52 by akili)