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Shelly has connected.

Akili grins. "Perfect timing. :)"

Calin says, "Hey good timing."

Calin just got back from lunch.

Shelly smiles, "of course"

Calin hugs Shelly.

Shelly hugs Calin back.)

Shelly says, "so how are things with you boys??"

Calin says, "Cool."

Akili rumbles lightly, "We now have an NT server running that the muck will be transferred to. :)"

Calin nods.

Shelly says, "oh ok.."

Calin says, "Its a super SECRET server!"

Shelly smiles, "super Secret??"

Calin says, "Yep Super Secret."

Shelly smiles.

Calin says, "It doesn't show up on the network, so we won't get hassled for running the muck."

Shelly says, "ahh ok.. i understand now.."

Calin smiles.

Shelly is glad she is done working for the day. :)

Calin says, "Oh bite me."

Shelly giggles, "later.."

Calin smiles.

Akili smirks.

Shelly pretends to bite Calin. *bite*

Calin pretends to dodge.

Shelly laughs.

Akili rumbles lightly, "The server install of this muck is now functional. =)"

Shelly says, "thats good. :)"

Calin says, "Ok now we need to move to the new server."

Shelly says, "ok"

Akili says, "Soo... what kind of time frame are we looking at? One week?"

Calin says, "Shelly, go to -Worlds>personal list and edit russellmuck. Change the host name to Then reconnect."

Akili glances at Calin. "I would prefer a one-stop changeover."

Calin says, "Whadda you mean?"

Shelly says, "a what?"

Calin says, "We're going to change over now."

Shelly says, "ok.. i will too then"

Calin prepares to dosconnect.

Akili chuckles, and sets up stuff on the other muck to redirect other players here.

Calin waves

DainAltor says, "Hello Calin."

Calin waves.

Shelly smiles, "hey.. :)"

DainAltor says, "Here I am!"

Shelly says, "hi Dain.."

DainAltor looks at you.

Shelly laughs.

Shelly laughs again and mutters, "damn jerks."

Calin asks, "What jerks? Is that like the stupid pitches?"

Akili glares at Calin.

Calin glowers at Akili.

Shelly says, "no.. nothing like that.. its the damn guys on the internet"

Calin asks, "like us?"

Calin says, "we're guys, we're on the internet."

Shelly says, "no nothing like you.... this one guy wanted me to call him long distance just so we could talk and get to know each other."

Calin says, "Right. Like me."

Calin grins.

Shelly mutters, "like i would ever meet the jerk."

Shelly says, "no Calin not like you.. i didn't meet you over the net"

Akili has spoken to a couple people he met on the net over the phone.

Calin says, "yeah... but I do want you to call me long distance so we can get to know each other better."

Calin grins

Shelly has also met several but don't anymore and don't plan to either.

Shelly giggles and kisses Calin, "silly.. of course i will call you.. but thats different.

Calin smiles. "Sure it is.

Akili has only met one so far.

Shelly smiles.

Shelly says, "so hows work?"

Akili rumbles lightly, "Well, we were at a client this morning, came back to see the entire network in shambles, fixed that, went to lunch, returned, and finished setting up the server. :)"

Shelly asks, "shambles?? that bad?"

Akili rumbles lightly, "Well, our manager Rick decided to swap hubs. Normally okay, but the swap didn't go smoothly, and everyone got kicked off the network completely. This wouldn't have been as bad if Rick had told the office that he was about to do so. :p"

Shelly says, "oh no.."

Akili nods. "Yup."

Shelly giggles.

Shelly is glad that nothing like that EVER happens to her at work.

Shelly yawns.

Akili laughs.

Akili rumbles lightly, "I'm setting up the old muck so that everyone knows to connect here now. ;)"

Shelly asks, "what are you laughing at?"

Akili rumbles lightly, "When you said nothing like that ever happens at your work. ;)"

Shelly says, "hey i don't have somebody going around kicking people of the network.. we don't have a network.. :)"

Akili grins. "That does help. It's not impossible, but it does help."

Shelly smiles, "true.. although our supervisior causes enough havoc in our life.. (although i do hope liscening comes through one of these days."

Akili rumbles lightly, "Licensing? For what?"

Shelly says, "the cdc has to have a license to keep the running.. and we are checked once a year to see if we are up to 'code'..."

Akili rumbles lightly, "Keep what running?"

Shelly says, "keep the child development center going.. we can be closed down for many reasons."

Calin says, "Like MURDER."

Akili ahs, and nods.

Akili grins.

Shelly giggles, "of course.."

Shelly says, "the biggest problem our supervisior seems to forget is the staff to student ratio.."

Akili smirks. "That's an easy thing to forget. Employers always seem to forget the employee to work ratio."

Shelly laughs, "yeah she forgets quite often.. and thats one of the things we got busted for last year.. of course she will never learn."

Akili sighs. "Nope."

Thats why Shelly wants the people to come down to the center.. :).

Akili swaps clients. "Yup. :)"

Shelly smiles.

Akili goes afk

Shelly pokes Calin... :)

Akili rumbles lightly, "Calin is also AFK."

Shelly says, "ok"

Shelly says, "well i gotta get going.. have a few things i need to do before my mom gets home from work.. talk to you boys laters.. bye.."

Calin waves.

Aura connects

Akili grins. "I wasn't sure if you saw the message. :)"

Aura "hello"

DainAltor says, "Hello Aura."

DainAltor smiles.

DainAltor "So how's your day going?"

Aura smiles. "ok and urs?"

Calin says, "That word looks like Urns."

DainAltor says, "Its ok. Same old thing."

Aura says, "shnaw"

Calin says, "That is NOT a word."

Calin says, "I hate it."

Calin grumps.

DainAltor looks at Calin.

DainAltor Asks, "Was that a misspelling?"

Akili glances at Calin. "Are you okay?"

Calin says, "Afraid not."

Calin says, "Yes i'm ok."

Aura looks at calin. "Whats wrong?"

Calin says, "Shnothing."

Akili mentions to Aura, "He's just grumpy."

Aura laughs.

DainAltor scratches his head.

Aura says, "around me he is always grumpy"

Calin says, "I just bring out the worst in you."

Calin says, "I mean you, me."

Akili snorts.

DainAltor asks, "Is Akili a warthog?"

Aura says, "calin.."

Calin asks, "Yes?"

Akili looks at Dain, astounded. "_Excuse_ me?"

DainAltor smiles.

DainAltor says, "You did snort..."

Aura smiles. "i forgot...jen is talkin to me"

Akili glares at Dain. "Yeah, and I can roar, too. Care to find out how loudly?"

DainAltor says, "Nah... thats really ok."

Akili nods. "Good. Then lay off with the insults."

DainAltor shrugs. "I'm never insulting. I was just asking."

DainAltor grins.

Aura smiles. "i see a yelllow streak"

Akili peers at DainAltor suspiciously. "Have you ever even SEEN a warthog?!?"

Calin asks, "A streak of what?"

DainAltor asks, "... no... why?"

Calin looks around for anything yellow.

Calin says, "I'm not yellow."

Calin says, "I'll take you all on!"

Akili glances skyward. "Kings, give me the strength *not* to strike him," he mutters.

Calin is done male posturing now.

I thoroughly doubt it.

Calin frowns. "Thank you Akili."

Akili points at... uh... Dain. "He said it!"

Calin doesnt believe you.

DainAltor says, "You're reliablility just went down, Akili."

Akili sighs, and mutters something about lead, pipes, and the elves who deserve to live in them.

Calin fingers his shove button.

Aura looks at the maleles and laughs

Akili glares at Calin. "Was I speaking to you? Thank you, no."

DainAltor says, "I'm not a malele."

Could have fooled me.

Aura says, "i met males"

DainAltor says, "Ah.. I thought so."

Yeah, I met males, too. :>

DainAltor frowns at Akili. "Stop spoofing."

Akili peers at Dain. "Stop looking at my screen," he complains.

DainAltor says, "Excuse me? Only Calin can do that."

Calin says, "Yeah."

Aura decides to sit back and watch the performance

Akili says, "Fine, then. Calin, stop looking at my screen, and then telling Dain about it. "

Calin says, "Only I get to sit and do that."

Calin says, "No. I can tell him what I want to."

DainAltor thought Calin lied, till Akili gave himself away.

DainAltor thought Calin was the spoofer.

Akili blinks at Dain. "How smart are you, again?"

Calin grins innocently.

DainAltor says "I get by."

Calin says, "Barely"

DainAltor says, "Thanks soo much."

Akili chuckles. "Good one, Calin."

Calin grins.

Calin turns on Aura. "SHE did it!!"

Aura tries not to laugh

Akili asks, "Did what?"

DainAltor frowns.

Calin says, "IT."

Akili asks, "IT?"

Calin says, "I was there."

Akili asks, "Where?"

Calin says, "I saw it all."

Akili asks, "What?"

Calin says, "I was there and I saw what she did..."

Calin says, "I saw it with my own two eyes."

Phil Collins whacks Calin with a crowbar. "I should charge you for that."

Calin shoves Phil Collins in the pipe.

Akili wonders if you're ever going to let him out? "And that's gonna be a heck of a bruise, you know."

Calin rubs his face. "Yeah I know."

Calin exclaims, "Look at the swelling!"

Calin now has a big head.

Akili grins. "Maybe now your head will match your ego?"

Aura laughs

DainAltor laughs out loud.

Calin frowns, or would if his head wasn't swollen like a balloon.

Akili wonders what would happen if he tried to pop Calin's head with a pin.

Calin visits a psychiatrist.

The psychiatrist shrinks his head.

Calin feels better.

Akili wonders if it was, in fact, the correct head he shrunk.

Calin looks down. "Nope, that one's still large enough."

Akili points at Calin. "I didn't say *anything*."

DainAltor says, "frowns at Calin. "Ew. Thanks for sharing.

DainAltor says, "Oops."

DainAltor frowns at Calin. "Ew. Thanks for sharing."

Aura shakes her head

Akili rumbles lightly, "Calin, there are ladies present, you know."

Calin shakes Aura's head too.



Akili's player ties his hands behind and around his chair.

Aura says, "see thats proof i have stuff in there"

DainAltor says, "Uh... don't do that. You wouldn't want to hurt her..."

Akili rumbles lightly, "Or make a mess."

Calin stops. "You're right... the last time... I don't want to talk about it."

Aura glares at calin and akili

Akili tries - and fails - to look innocent. "What?"

DainAltor smiles, having avoided that deadly stare.

Aura smiles. "thanks dain"

DainAltor bows. "You're most welcome, my lady unicorn."

Aura blushes

Calin shakes his head.

Aura smiles. "funny, i don't hear anything"

Akili laughs.

Calin says, "that's cause my head, unlike yours, is too full to rattle."

Calin grins.

DainAltor frowns.

Akili rumbles lightly, "Yeah, full of air."

Akili says, "Hot air, mind you."

Aura laughs loudly

Calin says, "And BRAINS, don't forget the BRAINS!"

Akili says, "Hey Calin... the pickles are staring at you."

Aura asks, "brains what brains?"

Calin exclaims, "I'm stuck in the fleezer!"

Akili states, "Brains, n. 1) A grey organ that handles all mental functions. 2) Something Calin is lacking."

Calin says, "Thats just rude."

Calin says, "You don't hear me calling you a stupid beast or anything. At least I have opposable thumbs."

Aura smiles "being truthful isn't being rude"

Calin says, "That goes for you too, Aura!"

Akili rumbles lightly, "You don't call me a stupid beast because you have too many other names and/or descriptions to use." He smiles. "You're right, though."

Calin puts his arm around Dain's shoulder. "Us primates will stick together."

DainAltor says, "I don't think so, Tim."

Calin says, "Don't call me Tim."

Akili laughs!

DainAltor says, "Ok Tim."

Akili rumbles lightly, "There are those who call him... Tim."

Calin exclaims, "I don't appreciate the name Tim!"

DainAltor grins.

Akili asks, "How about Tiny Tim?"

Calin frowns. "I'm taller than you, and besides I don't care."

Calin grumps.

Akili says, "And we're back full circle."

DainAltor says, "It's the circle of life."

Akili smirks at Dain. "And what do you know of it, Mr. I've Never Seen A Warthog Before But Am Willing To Tell A Lion That He Is One?"

DainAltor smiles. "My goodness but I have a long name."

Akili rumbles lightly, "All the better to demean - uh, describe you with."

DainAltor draws his sword.

Akili exclaims, "I said mustard!"

Calin draws his too.

DainAltor and Calin proceed to dual for a few minutes.

Elminster has arrived.

Calin slashes at Dain, but misses.

Elminster says, "I sense drawn swords. What is going on here?

DainAltor chops at Calin, but Calin parries.

Elminster sighs. "Not again..."

Calin and Dain fight until they are both too worn out to carry swords, and they both have blisters on their thumbs.

DainAltor sits down, breathing hard.

Elminster produces a bag of popcorn, which he snacks on until the fighters wear themselves out.

Calin pants, "Give up, *pant*, while you still can."

Aura says, "can i have some elminster"

Akili watches the fight with amusement, glad he's not a participant.

DainAltor says, "Oh *pant* blow it out your pointed ears."

Elminster smiles, and produces a similar bag for Aura. "Of course, my dear."

Calin sits on the ground.

Aura smiles "thank you"

DainAltor pulls a water bag from his supplies and drink thirstily.

Calin asks, "Hey can I have some?"

DainAltor says, "Sure."

Calin takes the bag and drinks his fill, then returns it to Dain.

Akili blinks. This doesn't strike him as one of Dain's more brilliant ideas.

DainAltor asks, "Are you ready to surrender yet?"

Calin says, "Never. You?"

DainAltor shakes his head.

Calin shrugs. "Oh well."

Elminster gazes at Calin and Dain. "Are you two quite finished?"

Calin glances at Dain, then nods.

DainAltor says, "Yeah, we're done."

Elminster nods, then raises a brow. "Until tomorrow, correct?"

DainAltor shrugs. "Only if he attacks me."

Calin says, "Only if I attack him."

Calin says, "I mean...."

Calin says, "Only if... uh..."

DainAltor smiles.

Elminster sighs. "Tomorrow, of course. I've got to find some more steel-shattering scrolls..."

DainAltor grins. "Yeah. Make me pull out my OTHER, even BIGGER one!"

DainAltor looks around sheepishly. "Sword, I mean."

Akili blinks at Dain.

Calin laughs.

Elminster chuckles again. "Yes, of course. Well, you can only carry so many before you topple under the weight."

Calin says, "Yeah you'd think so, wouldnt you?"

DainAltor grins.

Elminster smiles wizardly. "I know so."
