Differences between revisions 6 and 7
Revision 6 as of 2006-08-18 05:41:59
Size: 3967
Editor: paw
Revision 7 as of 2006-08-18 05:42:34
Size: 3959
Editor: paw
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 Calin (John to the uninformed) is the grand high Calin (John to the uninformed) is the grand high
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 Eric (otherwise known as Eric) is a competitive Eric (otherwise known as Eric) is a competitive
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 Kenlow (or Narniqaan, or Stack, or maybe even John), is our resident wolf tiger dragon bat(?)... thing. Everyone has one, and he's ours. He may seem large, but in real life he's actual size. Often found gaming or hatching unlikely schemes, he's invaluable when a project calls for interesting voices or an off-the-wall personality. Kenlow (or Narniqaan, or Stack, or maybe even John), is our resident wolf tiger dragon bat(?)... thing. Everyone has one, and he's ours. He may seem large, but in real life he's actual size. Often found gaming or hatching unlikely schemes, he's invaluable when a project calls for interesting voices or an off-the-wall personality.
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 Kismet (there are some that call her Marissa) is Kismet (there are some that call her Marissa) is
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 Paw (AKA Paul -- I know, I don't really hear the Paw (AKA Paul -- I know, I don't really hear the
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 Pearl is the white fox who goes by Ladybug, Pearl is the white fox who goes by Ladybug,
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 Rua is a snuggly puppy (shiba inu) who also Rua is a snuggly puppy (shiba inu) who also
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 Sessa-bug is a Photographer and an artist. She Sessa-bug is a Photographer and an artist. She

Who are we? A group of friends needing a harbor in the tempestuous world of the Internet.

- ["Akili"] -

Akili (Russell the Reticent [or Responsible] to many of his friends) is the grand high tech-lion. As he is not the only lion here, this takes a bit of doing. Akili is responsible for starting RussellMUCK (originally called Akili's Muck, but we all liked the sound of RussellMUCK so much better... and he fell to peer pressure). Akili is an online Role Player, likes to hike and explore, and is quite the interesting conversationalist.

- ["Azizi"] -

Azizi (known to some as A.J.) is one of the resident lionesses who seems to be regularly afflicted with horrible computer luck, despite being tech-savvy and a computer parts price guru. Although in another world she is Akili's daughter, the similarity of her name to his is unintentional. We think.

- ["Cal"] -

Cal the hobbit (Peter by day) is the master coder; Web programmer by day, Jedi hacker by night. His spare time is spent locked away is his dark tower, surrounded by spaghetti strings of perls, and the strong aura of the Open Force movement.

- ["Calin"] - Calin (John to the uninformed) is the grand high tech-elf. Which is an easy rank to attain when you're the only elf here. He's in charge of keeping the server (which lives in his bedroom) up and running. His hobbies include being deliberately obtuse, reading obscenely long fantasy series and playing black-box/ white-letters.

- ["Eric"] - Eric (otherwise known as Eric) is a competitive gamer, who when not trying to figure out the best way to kick people's ass in every game ever created, is a musician and a performer currently playing in the band "7th Chamber". He plays the guitar, as you can see, and sings. You might even find him in a good old fashion sword fight every now and then.

- ["Kenlow"] - Kenlow (or Narniqaan, or Stack, or maybe even John), is our resident wolf tiger dragon bat(?)... thing. Everyone has one, and he's ours. He may seem large, but in real life he's actual size. Often found gaming or hatching unlikely schemes, he's invaluable when a project calls for interesting voices or an off-the-wall personality.

- ["Kismet"] - Kismet (there are some that call her Marissa) is our one and only coyote who brings with her a large body of Apple Mac knowledge and an entire spectrum of amusing topics. When conversation is slow or dry, she always livens things up. Answering a Helpdesk all day requires a convenient outlet, after all.

- ["Paw"] - Paw (AKA Paul -- I know, I don't really hear the difference either) is the tiger in the video game industry. He keeps us up to date on what's new and nifty, and how his latest supersecret project is going. Mostly he's going to Megalomaniac... err... Game Art and Design school, getting a Bachelor's Degree to go with his two published games Portal Runner and Sarge's War. He's also our resident Megalomaniac.

- ["Pearl"] - Pearl is the white fox who goes by Ladybug, but everyone calls her Rachel. She is an editor by profession and drives to work in a little Red VW bug with black spots. She is great for late night head-choking sessions, and don't be surpised if she spontaneously shows up at your door with cookies, that is just the kind of friend she is.

- ["Rua"] - Rua is a snuggly puppy (shiba inu) who also answers to Kristin (tin like the metal, not the number). If you can't find her online you might have better luck at a Ren Faire, or a SCA meeting. She is a great friend, always there with a shoulder to cry on, or maybe just a pick-me-up grope.

- ["Sessa"] - Sessa-bug is a Photographer and an artist. She is cute and silly and will answer (if you are lucky) to Lynnessa. You will often find her nose in a book as she attempts to tackle every good fantasy novel ever written, otherwise her nose is usually squashed behind a camera view-finder.

WhoAreWe (last edited 2021-09-03 20:01:05 by calin)