11 - 07 - 2007

DM says, "We last left off leaving Tygot's shop. Jiona just undid her cloak and is visible to everyone."

DM says, "Feel free to 'look jiona' at your leisure. Except you, Ethkin."


Tillandor chuckles.

Jiona shows off with a grin.

Ethkin can 'sense' her, but does not know what she looks like, whatever she's wearing.

Calico glances, but doesn't really care what Jiona looks like or is wearing.

Ethkin notes that the same goes for, well, pretty much everyone.

Jiona thinks Calico is one cat curiosity won't manage to kill.

Calico's curiosity tends to focus on other matters.

- Curiosity peeks in thinking, .o(Some day cat, some day...)

* A chill wind blows down the street by Tygot's shop. The few passerbys try to avoid looking at Jiona and Calico completely, or simply stare for a moment, then hurry along their way.

Rayne oocly thinks recap is good for prodding things forward.

Calico wanders nearly out of sight of the rest of the group, paying more attention to small creatures she might try to catch.

Jiona either doesn't notice or outright ignores Rayne's prolonged glance. She watches Calico wander off with slight curiosity, but waits for Tillandor and the others before going anywhere herself.

Mud has disconnected.

Ethkin remembers being lead out of Tygot's by Rayne...

* It is not long after noon, and the streets are quiet this side of town, not very near any of the interesting places to eat or spend your lunch time.

Calico says, "my the morning passed quickly."

Tillandor adjusts his backpack over his robes, and checks the sky to determine the day's weather.

Ethkin turns his face into the wind mentioned earlier, and smiles with mild bliss...

* The shop you stand before, "Tygot's Old Things", is a two story structure with a small flat on the upper floor and the business area below. The building, like many in Cauldron, is made from black volcanic rock. A crisp wind causes the sign hanging from his shop to swing a bit.

Rayne looks towards the orphanage and says, "Well now that we have finished our business here, I am going to the orphanage to poke around."

Tillandor says, "I believe we have an afternoon to fill up before we are expected at the university, so that sounds like a great idea."

Calico asks, "who'd like to join me in a quick look at last nights battleground?"

Rayne shrugs and says, "There isn't much left I think. The city guards were there after we left."

Ethkin wants to ask Rayne to take him to the Kord temple here, but doesn't wish to overstress teh DM...

Tillandor says, "If there's time, perhaps we can head there after the orphanage."

Calico mews, "More efficient guards than I expected."

Rayne says, "Well, I did speak with them last night to make sure they knew it was an act of self defense."

Jiona nods to Tillandor and Rayne. "The orphanage was to be our next area to investigate, if I recall correctly." She glances up at the sky to approximate the time, then inquires of Tillandor, "I don't suppose there will be any places to get some lunch in that area?"

Rayne begins walking towards the Orphange at a semi-slow pace, guiding Ethkin as he walks.

Tillandor and Jiona follow.

Calico heads on ahead of the slow Rayne and Ethkin.

Tillandor says, "If we hurry, we may catch a vendor at the pavillion before they close up."

Jiona's ears perk up, and she follows a bit faster.

Tillandor guages the hour. "They don't usually stay open much past lunchtime."

* You are all at 12 on the map. I'm going to represent you all with the light green one for now, so long as you stick together.

Rayne eyes the group moving past him and urges Ethkin forward a little faster, seeing how fast they can make progress without stumbling.

DM moves the green token along.

Calico takes a shortcut towards the orphanage between buildings.

Ethkin doo-bee-doos...

Tillandor asks, "I'll head on down to the pavillion and pick up some food while you guys get started looking around. Any requests?"

Ethkin was about to remind Calico that the map _is_ of a very 3D city, then remembers she's a cat...

* You hustle through the streets, getting stray glances from onlookers at the few Fae in the group and the rather large swordsman. You can see the grey clouds off to the west, remnants of last night's storm. As you hurry towards the pavilion, you hear the ravens cawing.

Jiona considers Tillandor's question, not knowing what a pavillion is likely to stock. "Um... I'm not sure. Meat, some bread... I think you still remember my tastes well enough," she says to her friend with a smile. "Thank you."

* You round the bend to Lantern Street and there you find the Lantern Street Orphanage.

Calico watches the group approach while sitting on the orphanage steps.

Jiona also watched Calico shortcut through an alley, but as no one else suggested following her, she also refrained from mentioning it.

Tillandor repeats for Calico. "I'm going to run to the pavillion for some food. Any requests?"

Calico says, "I thinbk I'll go with."

Rayne reaches into his money pouch and pulls out a silver coin.

Ethkin shrugs, "Something fried and meaty, if it's not too expencive, thanks."

Tillandor asks, "Ok. Rayne?"

Rayne says, "If you would be so kind as to grab me some meat and bread."

Tillandor says, "Certainly."

Rayne hands the silver over to Tillandor

* The orphanage rests on the corner of Lantern Street and Lava Avenue, its charcoal-colored stones held together with mold-encrusted mortar. The windows on both stories are tightly shuttered, but a few slivers of light manage to escape from within. Lanterns hand on either side of the oaken front door, mounted to which is a green copper knocker shaped like a smiling gargoyle's visage. Its nostrils are pierced by a copper ring.

- Stack realizes he doesn't have Ethkin's sheet, which has his money on it...

* You hear the muffled sound of children singing from within.

Tillandor says, "I can cover it. This isn't necessary, Rayne."

Tillandor cuts through the alley by the orphanage, and heads toward the pavillion.

Rayne nods his head in thanks and puts his coin back in his pouch.

Calico follows Tillandor.

in Courtyard: Calin tries his hand at splitting up the group. "Never done this before.

Ethkin listens to see if he knows the tune the kids are singing.

Rayne looks at the Orphanage, seeming to be thinking.

DM to Calico and Tillandor: * You sneak through the alley and the sounds of the children get a bit louder as you pass by a certain window. The alley dumps onto Ash Avenue next to the old gardens.

Rayne strokes his chin lightly.

Ethkin asks Rayne, "Would you find me an out-of-the-way seat, please?"

Rayne says, "I suppose we can wait for them to come back before going inside."

Tillandor to DM and Calico: "Are there any vendors still obviously open?"

Jiona realizes abruptly that she's being left alone with these other people she barely knows, but hides her discomfiture well, also carefully looking over the orphanage for anything that looks remotely suspicious.

Rayne looks for a place out of the way of the main street where Ethkin can sit.

DM to Calico and Tillandor: * The gardens are overrun and wholly untended these days. After passing the gardens, you see a few vendors still open, most of the rest either closing up shop or already gone.

* The children appear to be singing an alphabet song, not a familiar one though.

Calico to DM and Tillandor: "I look for some place that serves meat."

Tillandor to DM and Calico: Tillandor dashes up to the nearest vendor who still looks open. "Are you still taking orders?"

* The front porch of the orphanage has a rather inviting short stair to the front door.

Rayne guides Ethkin over to the stairs.

Rayne says, "Ethkin there is a set of steps just in front of you."

Ethkin sits, and thanks Rayne again.

Rayne nods curtly and moves his attention again towards the Orphanage.

DM to Calico and Tillandor: * The vendor looks up, "Oh yes! We have a few fry-wrap steaks left. The best in town!"

Rayne says, "So there are a few people we need to speak with here."

Calico to DM and Tillandor: "I'll take one."

Rayne says, "The cook, the headmistress, the gardener, the nurse and some of their playmates."

DM to Calico and Tillandor: * The vendor nods and looks to Tillandor, "And you?"

Calico to DM and Tillandor: "On the rare side if it's not too much trouble."

Tillandor to DM and Calico: "Excellent. I'll take 6 if you have them. Including hers."

Jiona nods to Rayne. "I believe Tillandor said that... Gretchyn was the headmistress. I don't remember the names of the others."

Ethkin gets out a small bamboo flute, and starts a harmonizing counterpoint to the childrens melody.

Rayne eases himself onto a step with a little gap between himself and Ethkin.

DM to Calico and Tillandor: * The vendor looks in his large box, "Hm... yes, I think..."

Tillandor to DM and Calico: "That is, I'm paying. And if you have 6 bread rolls and a block of cheese, I'll take that too."

Ethkin nods at Raynes info.

Rayne says, "The names of the others were not mentioned."

DM to Calico and Tillandor: * The vendor reaches in, "Ah! Yes. You are very lucky today. The last six. That will be... 3 silver."

Rayne says, "Except for the gardener."

Ethkin quirks an eyebrow...

Rayne says, "Headmistress Gretchyn and Gardener Jaromir."

Tillandor to DM and Calico: Tillandor fishes 6 silver from his bag, and hands it over.

Ethkin nods again.

Rayne says, "The children who disappeared are 'Deakon, Evelyn, Lucinda and Terrem.'"

Ethkin o/ o/ o/ o/ o/`

DM to Calico and Tillandor: * The vendor smiles, "Ah, thank you very much. I am here every day an hour before noon. Get here early for the freshest ones, the line builds quickly."

Ethkin nods at each name...

Jiona shows a slight smile. "That would help explain why I don't remember them, then." She listens to the melody for a moment, also thinking back on how some of the citizens reacted to her and Calico's appearances, and comments, "I should probably keep my distance from the children. I'm worried someone might get the wrong idea."

Tillandor to DM and Calico: "I'm glad I caught you. Have a good afternoon."

DM to Calico and Tillandor: * The vendor hands over seven wraps in a large towel, "Enjoy them! Have a great day."

Ethkin grins around his flute...

Rayne glances at Jiona and nods, "Some of the folk around here are the superstitious type. They might not take kindly to you."

Calico to DM and Tillandor: I nod to the vendor, and accept a wrap.

Tillandor to DM and Calico: Tillandor breaks off a chunk of cheese and offers it to Calico as they walk back to the orphanage.

Ethkin frowns now, then quirks an eyebrow again, still playing...

DM to Calico and Tillandor: * The vendor begins packing up as you walk away with food.

Calico to DM and Tillandor: "I pass on the cheese. the steak roll is quite enough for me right now."

DM to Jiona: "You smell some very tasty meat coming your direction." to you.

DM to Jiona: "Smells like it's coming up the alley next to the orphanage." to you.

Jiona nods slowly, having noticed that much. Still, it's not as bad as she was afraid it might be. "Young ones tend to be fascinated by us, which worries their caretakers," she explains. "Still, I'll keep my eyes and nose open. Maybe I'll scent something useful." Her nose flares a bit at that moment, and she grins a little more. "Such as what I believe is our lunch, headed this way."

Calico listens to the singing as she walks towards the group.

Rayne breaks out slowly in a grin and shakes his head. "Well its about time." he mumbles and looks towards the direction of the pavilion.

Tillandor arrives, arms laden with several lumps wrapped in a towel.

Ethkin sniffs, and nods. He stops playing.

* Tillandor and Calico pop out of the alleyway next to the orphanage. Tillandor is carrying something wrapped in a large yummy smelling towel. Calico is munching on something wrapped in fried bread. It all smells... like delicious fried meat.

Rayne thanks Tillandor and takes his 'lump' when Tillandor moves towards him.

Jiona waits a bit for the smell of meat to arrive closer, as she's expecting, and glances at Ethkin, now noticing the change of his expression, and only now realizing that he probably still doesn't know what she is.

Tillandor says, "I just caught one of the last vendors. He happened to have fry-wrap steaks."

Tillandor says, "And I also picked up some bread rolls and a block of cheese."

Rayne exclaims, "Excellent!"

Rayne looks hungrily towards the lumps.

Tillandor doles out the food, and breaks the cheese into tasty chunks.

Calico looks at all the shuttered windows, "I wonder what that's about?"

Ethkin nods and patiently holds up a palm...

Rayne inhales the scent deeply, closes his eyes, mutters something, then opens them and begins to unwrap his food.

Ethkin takes his food, "What's all what about?"

Ethkin thanks Tillandor.

Calico says, "all the shuttered windows."

Ethkin hmmms, "Just in case, perhaps?"

- Struggling not to drool as all the wonderful smells assail her nose, Jiona scampers over to Tillandor, looking over what he brought back with a very pleased smile. "Gods, that smells wonderful. Thanks, Tillandor."

Rayne glances at the windows now, scrutinizing them as if all the worlds secrets lay just beyond them.

Rayne takes a bite from the steak and another from the cheese, chewing thoughtfully.

Tillandor asks, "So how goes the investigation? Discover anything yet?"

Ethkin says, "They probably don't know the story Tygot told us. Thus they think it's a mundane kidnapping, thus the shutters."

Jiona helps herself to her portion, and starts eating with satisfaction, this tasting so much better than breakfast. "Not really," she says between bites.

Ethkin munch-munches, "Yummy."

Tillandor asks, "Anyone ah... knock on the door yet?"

* True to the vendor's word, these fry-wrapped steaks are quite delicious. A little dry, but that is to be expected at this time of day. Peppered to perfection with a crunchy outside and a doughy bread underneath, and grilled steak strips with onion insided.

- Stack glares at DM...

Ethkin shakes his head, "We were waiting for you two."

Jiona giggles slightly. "We thought about it, but decided to wait until we were all together. We were scouting around the outside first. Although we're eventually going to draw attention like this, I expect."

Rayne shakes his head and says, "No, we waited for you. There are several people we need to talk to." and relays the names of the headmaster and gardener again.

Tillandor says, "Right, Gretchyn and Jaromir."

Rayne nods.

Tillandor finishes half his fry-wrap, and tucks the rest into his backpack along with the remainder of his bread and cheese.

Ethkin finishes his fry-wrap, and stoes the bread and cheese.

Rayne devours the meal, savoring the taste, then puts the towel folded into his bag.

Calico fills about halfway through her wrap, and stows the rest for later.

* The children finish their song, and you can hear faint murmurs that sound like a lecture of some sort.

Rayne asks, "Well perhaps we should split up and talk to the headmaster, gardener, nurse and cook separately?"

Tillandor stands, brushing crumbs from his hands, and reaches for the door knocker.

Jiona finds the provender far too tasty to stop eating, and polishes it all off, including her chunk of cheese and bread. She dusts off her hands, takes a moment to stretch, then smiles. "Ah, now I feel better." She watches Tillandor approach the step, and keeps her distance back, for reasons mentioned before he returned with lunch.

Rayne stands up, walks up to Tillandor and nods.

Ethkin stoes his flute too, for the sake of continuity.

Tillandor raps the knocker three times.

Calico, guided by experience, also stands back from the door.

* Not long after you knock, you hear footsteps, then the door opens a crack.

* An old halfling woman peers out at you all and says, "Who... wait... is that Tillandor?"

Ethkin stands as Tillandor approaches the steps. He reaches out a hand for a guide at the knocker raps.

* The door opens all the way as the halfling woman laughs, "What are you doing here? And... who are all these... others?"

Tillandor says, "Hello Gretchyn."

Tillandor says, "These are some friends of mine."

Rayne nods curtly to the woman and introduces himself. "My name is Rayne, I attended the academy with Tillandor"

Tillandor makes introductions all around.

Calico makes her best cat smile and nods at the old lady.

Gretchyn says, "Well... it is nice to meet you all..."

Tillandor says, "We came because we heard about the missing children."

Ethkin bows when Till' gets to him...

Gretchyn grimaces, "Oh?"

Jiona also smiles politely, and as nonthreateningly as possible, to the headmistress when she is introduced.

Tillandor says, "Perhaps some don't notice when orphans go missing, but we do."

Gretchyn steals a nervous glance or two at Jiona and Calico with raised eyebrows.

Rayne remains silent, nodding his assent.

Gretchyn says, "Well, I can't say it's been totally quiet here... oh, come inside, I suppose. It's a bit chill outside."

Gretchyn leads the way into a dimly lit main hall. There's a staircase leading to the second floor and several doors leading into other rooms.

Ethkin hopes someone took his hand...

Tillandor says, "On the way over here I couldn't help noticing the gardens."

Rayne waits for Tillandor to step in first and then follows.

Tillandor asks, "Doesn't anyone tend them anymore?"

Tillandor follows as guided.

Jiona smiles again at the offer, and also follows Tillandor inside. Since she's inside now, she also checks around for smells that wouldn't seem to belong here, as subtly as she can, while the others chat.

* There are a few chairs and an old sofa. Gretchyn gestures, "Have a seat."

Calico walks quietly in, and settled against the wall between the door and a window.

Rayne moves towards the largest of the chairs and takes a seat, timing it to synchronize more with the seating of the others.

Tillandor settles onto the sofa.

DM to Jiona: "You catch the scent of orc, and a few other creatures you've never smelled before, probably humanoid."

Ethkin follows the lights into and down the hall. He senses and hears the others sit, and mearly stands in the doorway...

Gretchyn says, "Well... like I said... you aren't the first to come by, though I do appreciate your concern."

Ethkin smiles.

Jiona's expression shifts abruptly, as though she's suddenly noticed something that doesn't belong. She quickly conceals the reaction, though, and takes a seat on the sofa next to Tillandor.

Rayne arches his eyebrow slightly, listening intently,

Calico raises an eyebrow at the mention of others.

Tillandor asks, "And the gardens?"

Gretchyn says, "We had a few members of the town guard pop by, as well as a pair of half-elf investigators sent by the mayor himself."

Gretchyn says, "Oh? Yes... well that's been going downhill for a few years now... Our gardens are still well kept, but the shoreside gardens... The city pays for that and I just haven't seen anyone tending it lately."

Calico says, "sounds more like the city used to pay for it."

Ethkin goes Away From Keyboard. (AFK) [potty]

Tillandor says, "Yes, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to criticise your gardens. The shoreside gardens is what I meant."

Ethkin is now Active. (ACT)

Tillandor asks, "I know you said you've already talked to several people, but what can you tell us about the disappearances?"

Rayne looks upwards thoughtfully.

Gretchyn says, "Well, let's see..."

Rayne waits for a pause, then asks, "Did you catch the names of the two investigators from the mayor?"

Ethkin nonchalantly leans against the doorframe...

Gretchyn says, "On the night of the disappearance, no-one I know saw or heard anything. One of the young boys had a nightmare about an evil gnome with crooked teeth and a tattered cloak who tried to snatch his breath, but he is just a boy. Other than that... well, we have good locks, and nothing was broken... the children were just gone in the morning."

Gretchyn thinks for a moment, "Oh! yes... Fario and Fellian? I have their names written down here somewhere..."

Gretchyn goes over to a desk and looks through some papers.

Ethkin purces his lips thoughtfully at Gretchen's story.

Rayne frowns slightly.

Calico takes note of the gnome, in connection with the prophetic note.

Gretchyn says, "Ah. Fario Ellegoth and Fellian Shard, they said. They seemed genuinely concerned for the children. I am glad the mayor is taking interest, as I've heard nothing from the guard since they came by."

Jiona continues listening to the conversation at hand, her expression intent. She also seems to mouth something, although what it is is impossible to tell, and might have just been a repetition of something that was said under her breath.

Rayne leans closely to Tillandor and whispers, "I know most of the half elves in this city and I know of none employed by the mayor. Also those two names are unfamiliar to me."

You page, "Tillandor hears a whisper in his ear, in Jiona's tone of voice: 'There's a smell of Orc here.'" to DM and Tillandor.

Calico strains to hear the whisper.

Rayne says, "Do you know what exactly they looked at? I would like to retrace their steps if I could."

Tillandor starts to frown as Jiona whispers, then half-chuckles and smiles reassuringly.

Ethkin assumes he caught the whisper himself, and tries not to frown for Gretchen's benefit.

Gretchyn asks, "Who?"

Rayne asks, "Fario and Fellian?"

Gretchyn asks, "The guard or Fellian and Fario?"

Gretchyn says, "Ah."

Gretchyn says, "Well, they came here... I let them in the front door as I did for you, then we talked in here for about half an hour... they wanted to know everything... but they only questioned me, really."

Tillandor asks, "Can we see the rooms the children disappeared from?"

Rayne prods gently, "Do you remember what they asked?"

Tillandor does not interrupt, and asks that question at a proper time.

Calico descretely sniffs, not really expecting to pick out anything from all the children.

Gretchyn huhs, "Well... mostly what you've asked so far... they did ask if I had locked the doors. I most certainly had. Even the rooms upstairs where the children sleep were locked... we like to discourage mischief in the night. And the doors were all still locked in the morning."

Tillandor thinks now is the right time.

Tillandor asks, "Can we see the rooms the children disappeared from?"

Calico mumbles, "keys."

Rayne muses, "And did they ask who has keys to those locks?"

Gretchyn says, "Certainly. They are all with their lessons right now."

Rayne stands up, intent on continuing the conversation while moving to the rooms.

Calico slips quietly towards the stairs.

Tillandor also stands, but hangs back a bit.

Gretchyn gets up, "I have the keys to all the locks in this building. Neva and Willow also have keys to the children's rooms, but they weren't here that night. And they don't have keys to the orphanage itself."

Jiona remains near Tillandor, mulling over what she's heard.

Gretchyn leads up the stairs and looks at Calico, "Umm... yeah."

Rayne raises an eyebrow, "Neva and Willow?"

Gretchyn says, "So, follow me."

Tillandor bends to quietly converse with Jiona. "The janitor is a half-orc. He's ok."

Calico allows Gretchyn to pass without obstruction.

Rayne follows in step behind Gretchyn.

Gretchyn says, "Yes, Neva is the nurse. She's very trustworthy. And Willow is the teacher... if they wanted to steal children, they certainly have enough opportunity to do so at other times of day. I trust them both implicitly."

Jiona grins slightly, nodding to Tillandor, and quietly murmurs back, "Oh. I figured it might be all right, but I wanted you to know. There were some other unusual ones, but nothing I recognize."

Gretchyn smiles, hearing Tillandor's comment to Jiona, "Yes, Patch. He was an orphan here many years ago. He's very clean and well-mannered."

Gretchyn says, "And the only keys he has are the janitor's closet."

Tillandor nods. "Let me know if you catch the odd ones again."

Gretchyn says, "Here. This is the girl's room. You see, it is locked right now."

Tillandor smiles ruefully at Gretchyn. "Always did have eyes (and ears) in the back of your head."

* She jiggles the door handle to show it.

Jiona can't help but giggle softly as Gretchyn remarks upon what she overheard, then refocuses her attention on the room being indicated.

Rayne asks gently, "Could you open it for us?"

DM to Jiona: "You smell those odd humanoids here again."

Gretchyn nods and unlocks then opens the door and walks in.

Calico looks towards the door hinges.

Rayne steps inside and glances around/

Jiona displays a frown that is slight but visible, and sniffs the air rather more noticeably when Gretchyn opens the door.

Calico asks, "OOC, does the door open in or out?"

* The girl's room is tidy, there are 30 cots of varying sizes, some stacked. She gestures to two in particular, "Here are where Lucinda and Evelyn slept."

Ethkin feels his way along the wall..

* The door opens inward. The hinges are on the inside.

Tillandor blinks. "The other children slept through the night?"

Calico heads towards the windows, and examines the shutter closures.

Gretchyn says, "Yes. No-one heard a thing."

Rayne asks, "Who was the boy that dreamed something about an evil gnome?"

Ethkin thinks again of Tygor's story, and of 'Teleport' spells...

Gretchyn says, "Oh, Andro. He frequently has bad dreams."

- Hesitantly, Jiona carefully asks, "Gretchyn... aside from your janitor, do you have anyone else working here that's not human or elven? There's... a smell here that seems out of place."

Ethkin mumbles to himself, something about people learning to Ward their homes and businesses...

Gretchyn says, "Smell? Well, I'm halfling, obviously. Jaromir the gardener is a dwarf. and patch of course is a half-orc. And Willow is a half-elf."

Rayne looks around for anything suspicious.

You page, "Would I know all of those smells, and is this one still different?" to DM.

Gretchyn sighs, "Magical wards are not cheap. And we'd have to put them up every night, which would get very expensive very quickly."

Ethkin shrugs...

Tillandor nods. "I'm afraid that's true."

Gretchyn says, "And frankly, this is the first problem we've ever had. I mean... you'd think the barred and shuttered windows and heavy duty locks would do."

Calico checks for loose floorboards.

Tillandor says, "Tell me about the children who disappeared."

Rayne shakes his head and says, "But unfortunately for someone who is magically gifted, they could pose no obstacle at all."

Tillandor asks, "Did anything interesting happen with them the previous day or week?"

DM to Jiona: "This one is definitely different, though you can't say you've smelled dwarf before... this is not what you expect dwarf to smell like."

Jiona nods somewhat distractedly to Gretchyn, and starts sniffing around the room, trying to trace down where the majority of this scent is coming from.

Calico interjects, "they have any connection to Jzadirune?"

Gretchyn says, "Well, Deakon is a bright young dwarf... we took him in when he was only six after his parents never returned from an adventure to the Demonskar."

Rayne turns to face Tillandor and says, "Could you look to see if any kind of magic has been used here recently?"

Rayne begins looking intently around the room, searching for something with his eyes.

Gretchyn says, "Evelyn is a quiet sullen girl... her parents succumbed to filth fever plague that struck Cauldron seven years ago."

* Tillandor rolls 1f20+4: 18,4 = 22.

Gretchyn says, "Lucinda was gregarious but rather superstitious. She was given to the orphanage at age four by her poverty-stricken mother... that was four years ago."

Tillandor shrugs to Rayne. "Looks clear."

Jiona checks all of the beds first, just in case it's one of the children themselves that's responsible for what she's smelling.

Gretchyn says, "And finally Terrem... he was rather dour and tempermental... his parents died shortly after his birth... don't know the circumstances frankly."

Gretchyn says, "All human except Deakon who is a dwarf."

Gretchyn watches Jiona warily.

Calico notices Jiona, and attempts herself to catch a scent.

Tillandor nods. "Ok. Anything unusual happen to them shortly before they disappeared? Or even not unusual?"

Rayne catches the double negative and stifles a chuckle.

Tillandor says, "I don't know. Maybe tell me about the day before they disappeared."

Calico follows the perimeter of the room, trying to catch a scent trail.

Gretchyn shrugs, "Not much unlike any other day... we did breakfast in the morning in the common room, lessons until noon, lunch in the garden, more lessons, the dinner and games until bed."

Tillandor asks, "Were the missing children friends? Any reason those four in particular go together?"

Gretchyn says, "Well, each pair slept rather close together."

Jiona looks up as the headmistress points out the races of the various children, still trying to figure out where this is coming from. "I'm familiar with the others you mentioned, except dwarf... but this doesn't smell like I'd expect it to. I won't disturb anything," she reassures Gretchyn. "Even if it ends up being nothing, it's worth investigating."

Calico says, "I think the kidnappers came and went through the door."

Gretchyn says, "Terrem and Deakon had bunk cots."

Gretchyn asks, "What makes you say that?"

Rayne looks at Calico with raised eyebrows.

Calico says, "an unfamilier scent trail between the door and the girl's beds."

DM to Jiona: "You think you can verify that hypothesis, based on the scents of the unfamiliar humanoids."

Rayne hmmmms and asks cautiously, "Well what constitues unfamiliar? Do you know these children?"

Ethkin knows his sense of smell is`better than most sighted people, but it's noy _that_ good.

Tillandor guesses, "Not a common race?"

Calico says, "not one I recognise."

Gretchyn asks, "It was five days ago... you can smell that?"

- Once Calico has pointed it out, Jiona follows the suggested trail herself, and slowly nods her head. "I'll second that. Not anything that Gretchyn has mentioned earlier, nor Orc, nor do I believe dwarf."

Gretchyn looks at both Jiona and Calico with some degree of astonishment, "Well. That is amazing."

Jiona shows a bit of a pleased smile. "We do have advantages, as we are."

Rayne eyes Calico and Jiona appreciatively with respect.

Rayne asks, "I don't suppose you can follow the scent?"

Gretchyn shakes her head as if she can barely believe it.

Calico says, "We can try, though I expect the rain washed it away outside."

Gretchyn says, "There was a rather tumultuous storm last night."

Rayne frowns and says, "Well we can give it our best shot - although it did rain last night."

Tillandor says, "We might at least see what door or window it came in through."

Gretchyn waves you all on, "Please, do. Anything to shed more light on the matter."

- "Of course," Jiona points out thoughtfully, "If this smell has anything to do with their disappearance, it means someone had a key to this door."

Calico attempts to follow the scent from the door out into the hall.

Rayne ponders for a second then says, "Can we also look at the boys' rooms?"

Gretchyn says, "But they can't have. I have the only key."

Gretchyn DM erps.

Gretchyn says, "But they can't have. I had the only key in the building."

Gretchyn says, "Certainly. Follow me."

Tillandor says, "Smell the key."

Gretchyn leads a little down the hall to another room and pulls out her keys.

Gretchyn blinks, "You think that would help?"

Gretchyn offers the keys for Jiona or Calico to smell them.

Tillandor says, "It might tell us if your key was taken."

Rayne also looks a little unsure.

Jiona nods again, still looking thoughtful. "There is that. There are other ways of opening a door without the actual key, but it does seem like an unusual amount of effort...." She trails off, then blinks at Tillandor. Not quite sure what he's getting at - until he explains it - she does take a deep sniff of the offered keys.

Calico expects any scent on the keys to be burried by now, but gives a sniff anyway.

DM to Jiona and Calico: "The keys smell very metallic, but you do catch a lingering scent which smells rather like Gretchyn."

Jiona considers the result, then shakes her head. "Nothing I wouldn't expect. Mostly metal and yourself, Gretchyn."

Gretchyn asks, "Well?"

Rayne says, "Wait - I don't know if following a key scent will do much good. You travel all over the building with those keys right?"

Gretchyn says, "Well, yes. But they are always in my pocket."

Gretchyn says, "Unless I am using them, of course."

Rayne asks, "Even when you sleep?"

Tillandor shakes his head at Rayne. "I meant to see if the creature touched the keys. Not to track the scent of the keys."

Calico scents pretty much what she expected on the keys, nothing of importance.

Rayne says, "Ah I see."

Gretchyn says, "Well, I keep them on my bedside, but I do lock my bedroom as well."

Jiona nods to Tillandor. "I know what you meant. No hint of that other smell."

Tillandor asks, "Gretchyn, you said you have the only key in the building. Are there any keys outside the building?"

Ethkin is feeling more and more like a fifth wheel...

Gretchyn says, "Well yes. Willow and Neva do not sleep here. But they only have keys to the children's rooms, not the building itself."

Ethkin asks, "Do they take their keys home at night?"

Calico checks the stairs for scent.

Gretchyn asks, "I do believe so. But if they have no key to the building, how would that help?"

- At a loss for other ideas at the moment, Jiona does attempt to trace the scent trail through the building, as long as she doesn't have to go into any closed-off areas.

* Jiona and Calico go off tracing scents.

Ethkin shrugs, "The possibility that if they left their keys here, who-or-whatever took the children used those."

DM to Jiona and Calico: "As far as you can tell, they came in the front door, went up the stairs, went into both rooms, and probably went out the same way."

Calico returns to the group and reports, "the scent trail leads to the front door."

Ethkin says, "I'm jus' tryin' ta` eliminate possiblilities."

Gretchyn says, "You could question the other staff, but none of them were even here that night but me."

Rayne asks, "How do they get in the building?"

Gretchyn says, "I expect that's why the mayor's investigators only spoke with me the other night."

Jiona follows after Calico, the investigation having taken them a short while. "Tillandor, you checked the room for magic," she says suddenly. "Did that include the door?"

Gretchyn says, "I let them in in the morning."

Tillandor says, "I did glance at the door, though I didn't focus on it. I can doublecheck."

Gretchyn says, "Through the back door, usually."

Tillandor says, "I'll also check the front door."

Ethkin hmms at the mention of back doors.

Rayne nods and says, "I would also check the lock to see if anything was used on it."

Tillandor wanders off to do so.

DM thought Tillandor only looked at the lock to the girl's room.

Rayne didn't specify the lock when asking Tillandor to see if magic was used.

Calico doesn't know much about picking locks, but she examines the keyhole to the girls room.

* Tillandor rolls 1f20+4: 11,4 = 15.

Tillandor says, "And for the front door:"

* Tillandor rolls 1f20+4: 7,4 = 11.

Calico asks, "were the locks replaced recently?"

Tillandor wanders back. "No, I still don't sense any magical residue."

* Rayne rolls 1f20+2: 4,2 = 6.

Ethkin leans against the wall, legs crossed, arms folded, trying to stay out of the way, thinking hard.

Gretchyn says, "Ah, yes. Keygan Ghelve, the local locksmith. Five years ago, I think. And he charged a pretty coin, let me tell you!"

* DM says, "Ow."

Jiona still struggles to place the strange scent as Tillandor checks the doors, and nods to him, looking exasperated at herself. "If only I could place this smell... It's not even proof that the children were taken this way, although it does suggest it."

Rayne asks, "Do the children ever leave the premises?"

Gretchyn says, "Rarely. Always led by us."

Ethkin murmers to Jiona, "Like trying to remember the name of a tune from childhood?"

Gretchyn asks, "The staff, that is. I am always with them when we go out. But what would that have to do with their disappearance?"

Rayne asks, "Any scent of a dwarf leaving the area?"

Tillandor frowns. "The locks."

Tillandor says, "The locks are the key to finding them."

Gretchyn asks, "The locks?"

Gretchyn asks, "What do you mean?"

Rayne exclaims, "OH!"

Gretchyn looks fully baffled.

Tillandor glances around, and then withdraws a crumpled note from his backpack.

Jiona looks at Ethkin, and smiles a little. "Something like that. I'm... not even sure it's a smell I've scented *to* remember. It just says humanoid, and... unfamiliar." Since there's a bit of pause, she looks at the blind man for a moment, then asks curiously, "Have you figured out what I am? I forget you can't just see me, although you manage quite well."

Rayne nods at Tillandor and says, "Yes the prophecy. Your absolutely right."

Tillandor asks, "Is Keygan Ghelve a dwarf?"

Ethkin nods to Jiona, "I've figured you are of similer ilk as Calico, though not the same animal, obviously."

Gretchyn says, "He is not... gnome, actually. No-one cleverer than a gnome when it comes to locks."

Calico mutters, "half a dwarf binds them..."

Rayne asks, "May I speak with Andro?"

Tillandor asks, "Ever met a gnome, Jiona?"

Ethkin asks, "Does Keygan have crooked teeth?"

Gretchyn looks somewhat taken aback, "He is in his lessons right now."

Rayne looks at Jiona and Calico and says - if you met the person associated with this scent - would you be able to recognize them?

Gretchyn says, "But perhaps later this evening during play time."

Jiona giggles softly to Ethkin. "Probably not too difficult to deduct, with all of this scenting going on. You are right, though. I'm vulpine, for what it's worth. Fox." She perks up her ears at Tillandor's direct question, and thinks.

You page, "How's about it? Have I smelled Gnome before?" to DM.

Calico says, "worth a shot, I might recognise the scent."

DM to Jiona: "Yes, certainly."

DM to Jiona: "Lots of gnomes in the area."

Rayne thanks Gretchyn and says, "I think we have some leads to check out. I appreciate your time, and we might be back a little later to ask more questions if that is ok with you."

Jiona nods to Tillandor after only a brief moment. "Yes, several times. There are several of them around here."

Tillandor says, "Yes, thanks for putting up with us."

Tillandor hmms at Jiona. "I guess you didn't scent a gnome then."

Ethkin asks again, "How are Keygan's teeth?"

Gretchyn waves it aside, "Any time... please let me know what you find out... I worry for the children. I hope you can find them."

Tillandor says, "The creature I mean."

Gretchyn says, "Good luck."

Tillandor says, "The teeth, Gretchyn."

- To Rayne, Jiona also nods her agreement with Calico's statement.

Gretchyn asks, "Teeth?"

Tillandor says, "Which Ethkin has repeatedly asked about."

Gretchyn says, "Fine, last I saw him... five years ago."

Rayne asks, "I think we will see for ourselves shortly. Do you know the way to the locksmith?"

* DM apologizes... there was a flurry of questions all at the same time. Many whispered or paged.

Tillandor says, "The locksmith is right near the university."

Gretchyn says, "Yes, right down Lava Avenue."

Rayne smiles broadly and says, "Alright then. Lets get going while we still have daylight."

Gretchyn says, "I don't recall the exact location."

Gretchyn says, "Good luck."

Tillandor says, "That's ok, I do. Just a couple door down from the university. I've passed it many times."

Rayne says, "Thank you." and heads towards the front door.

Calico says, "we were headed that direction any way."

Rayne nods.

Ethkin follows everyone, guiding himself along the wall with a hand.

Ethkin reaches out a causious foot at teh stairs...

Rayne strides out the front door with purpose, ready to face whatever challenges are before them.

Calico takes hold of Ethkins arm to steady him as he walks along.

Jiona also thanks Gretchyn for allowing her and the others to investigate this matter, and starts making her own way back to the front door.

Ethkin smiles, "Thank you Calico. ... Wow, nice coat you have M'Lady."

Tillandor says, "I'll come see you again soon. Bye for now."

Ethkin says, "Thanks Gretchyn."

Gretchyn waves from the doorway as you leave.

Calico nods to Gretchyn as she passes.

* When you get onto Lava Avenue you can see the streets are getting somewhat more busy this afternoon, starting to crowd up.

Tillandor glances at the sky, checking how much time until the meeting.

Rayne says, "Say isn't the meeting place close by to this shop?"

Jiona slows a slight grin, realizing that just possibly her appearance, along with Calico's, may help clear a path through the crowd, although she doesn't mention this observation to anyone.

Tillandor says, "Yes, the meeting is at the university. Which is near the locksmith shop."

Rayne stride through the crowd, putting on a grim expression hoping to clear a path.

Tillandor scuttles in Rayne's wake.

* The afternoon is lazing on, but the streets seem filled with busy people doing whatever it is they do in the afternoon. As you walk down Lava Avenue, you do get a few curious glances, specifically from children you pass.

Ethkin strides with pourpos himself, trying not to out pace Calico, but also trying not to let her out pace him...

Ethkin wonders OOC where the cubes went.

Calico has no trouble keeping up with normal pace, but is a bit concerned about Mud keeping up.

* You near the University and can see students heading home from their studies. The afternoon air is a bit warmer, and the wind has died down.

* Mud rides on his dog, having no trouble keeping pace.

Jiona keeps close behind Rayne, smiling a bit at the attention from the children. "You make a good crowd-breaker," she tells him with a grin.

Calico cat grins at the passing children.

* People seem to be getting out of the way, but not without a startled stare or two.

Rayne cracks his expression slightly into a small grin and says, "Well that is the idea." then resumes his impassive grim expression.

Rayne continues to move in the direction of the University, occasionally pausing to take direction from Tillandor.

* You pass the university, which is nearly empty now. It's grim facade is familiar to Tillandor and Rayne.

* You reach Ghelve's Locks. A small turret dominates the front of this two-story black stone building. Iron bars are embedded in the thick window frames. Beyond the turret's groundfloor windows sits a lovely display of locks, from large to small, simple to complex. To the left of the turret, above a heavy oak door, swings a simple sign that reads "GHELVE'S LOCKS"

Ethkin waits untill he can sense 'stressed students'.

Rayne leans over to Jiona and Calico and asks, "Can you pick up the scent here?"

Calico checks the scent at the door and window.

Jiona does try to pick up the scent once they arrive here, although she expects the odds are slim with the recent rains. She also checks up closer to the building, though. Maybe the rain missed some spots.

DM to Jiona and Calico: "You don't smell anything here that is unusual other than lots of oil and metal."

Rayne nods towards the inside of the shop and says, "I mean in there."

Calico tries the door handle.

Jiona shakes her head, her ears lowering a little. "Nothing yet. Hopefully inside. Just oil and more metal from here."

DM asks, "Yeah, I think we'll park here. People have work tomorrow, no?"

Cauldron003 (last edited 2008-06-08 21:57:25 by calin)